V3.5 of the NewBows Addon includes a Fletching Table function.

V3.5 of the NewBows Addon includes a Fletching Table function.

There are a total of 22 different bows in the game, each of which has a unique and entertaining skill that is useful for survival. It also works in multiplayer mode, but you must have a sufficient number of arrows in your inventory for the bows to function correctly. This addon is intended for use with Minecraft Bedrock.

Experimenting with a Game is a good idea.

Prior to creating a world, make sure that the following options are enabled to ensure that addons in the world work properly and that you have a better gaming experience when using addons. The following options should be enabled before you begin using this addon, according to our recommendations.

Fletching Table is now available

Some of you may recall that a custom feathering table was included in a previous version of the addon. In this case, however, I decided to incorporate a user interface into the existing feathering table that is already present in the game. Your customized user interface would look something like this, with the arrows crafted above and below the bows in the manner depicted herein.


  • As part of this section, I will demonstrate each of the crafting techniques used in the addon and will take the opportunity to explain how each bow works in greater detail.
  • Extremely Long Bow
  • You will be able to shoot two arrows at the same time with this long bow, but you will have to deal with more damage because it is much stronger and more useful than a normal bow, as you can see in the pictures.
  • Application of a magnet-powered bow and arrow
  • When the arrow from this bow hits the ground, it will attract all items within a 12-foot radius that are in the immediate vicinity. This bow is extremely useful for attracting items that are far away without the need to move.
  • An example of a bow is the Spider Bow.
  • It will cover the target with cobwebs if an arrow from this bow strikes an entity near it or within the same entity. This will prevent the target from escaping the area.
  • Archery with the Shaker Bow and Arrow (Shulker)
  • This bow has the ability to grant the effect of levitation to any entity that it strikes, which will eventually cause the death of the entity that receives the effect or, at the very least, cause it to become extremely weak.
  • Miner's bow and arrows, which were made by him.
  • With the help of this bow, you will be able to break through any type of block, whether it is vanilla or addon-related.
  • -A bow and an arrow for good health.
  • This bow should be used in conjunction with an ally, whether they are pets or other players, as doing so will allow them to regain life more quickly and effectively.
  • Ice Bow and Arrow (optional) (optional).
  • When this bow is used, it will generate a 3 x 3 ice cube that will catch the mob that was hit by the arrow, as indicated by its name, when it is drawn.
  • A glowstone bow and arrow set for hunting.
  • If you have even a rudimentary understanding of minecraft, you will be aware that the glowstone generates light, which means that when you hold this bow in your hand, it will illuminate, and when your arrows strike a solid surface, they will generate light.
  • The use of explosive bows and arrows is encouraged.
  • When you shoot an arrow and it hits the ground, it causes a powerful explosion that can kill your targets. This is the only time that this bow is explained.
  • A bow and arrow at the conclusion
  • At first glance, this bow appears to be quite intuitive; if you use it in the location where the arrow falls, it will direct you to that location, which can be quite useful in some situations. However, this bow is not without its flaws.

Blaze Bow and Arrow

  • With this bow, you can experience what it's like to be a blaze, one of the most annoying mobs in the game. When launched and hitting the ground or your target, it will ignite a three-block radius around it, consuming and killing everything in its path.
  • A bow and arrow without a draw is referred to as
  • When this bow hits its target, it will cause that target to become blind, regardless of whether the target is a peaceful mob, a hostile mob, or the player himself (which is the most likely scenario).
  • Using a Stone Bow and Arrow to Practice Archery
  • This bow, in contrast to the vanilla bow, is made of iron, and its arrows deal twice the amount of damage as the vanilla bow.
  • An iron bow and arrows are used in this game.
  • Because of the iron construction of this bow, its arrows deal four times the amount of damage that a vanilla bow of the same type would.
  • A redstone bow and arrow are used in this project.
  • This bow is extremely effective due to its iron construction and the fact that it deals three times the damage of a vanilla bow.
  • a bow and arrow from the god Lapis
  • This bow is extremely effective due to its iron construction and the fact that it deals three times the damage of a vanilla bow.
  • The gold bow and arrows were used in this project.
  • This bow, in contrast to the vanilla bow, is made of iron, and its arrows deal twice the amount of damage as the vanilla bow.

A set of diamond arrows and a diamond bow

  • Because of the iron construction of this bow, its arrows deal five times the amount of damage as a vanilla bow of the same type.
  • The use of a slime bow and arrows is permitted.
  • If this bow hits its target, it will grant the slow effect to the target at its maximum strength for 10 seconds after it has struck it.
  • The use of a slime bow and arrows is permitted.
  • If this bow hits its target, it will grant the slow effect to the target at its maximum strength for 10 seconds after it has struck it.
  • An arrow and a miniature bow are included.
  • As soon as the arrow from this bow strikes the target, the entity that was hit will transform back into its baby form; however, some entities, such as the creeper, the spider, and other similar entities, are immune to this transformation.

Thunder arrows and a bow made of thunder

As is obvious, this bow will generate a ray in the area where your arrows land, making it extremely dangerous to use while also entertaining to watch.

In addition, there's a knockback bow and arrow.

It's yet another extremely useful bow, especially if you find yourself surrounded by hostile mobs, because when the arrows from this bow strike the ground, they will trigger an area attack that will send all nearby hostile mobs flying.
