Truly Surviving During a Zombie Apocalypse (V5.6 Headpole & Crow Update)

Truly Surviving During a Zombie Apocalypse (V5.6 Headpole & Crow Update)

What would your reaction be if you woke up in a world overrun by the undead? Walking through this world will give you a better understanding of what it's like to live during a Zombie Apocalypse. Would you be able to survive?

Check out the channel to see all of the videos related to this add-on All hostile Minecraft mobs have been eliminated from the game. Zombies should be the only thing you watch. You have the option of deciding how you want to play your game. Choosing easy mode will result in only a small number of zombies spawning; however, the higher the difficulty setting, the greater the number of zombies that will spawn.

The Featured Add-On

This addon is straightforward. Is it possible to survive in a world overrun by zombies and other people intent on destroying you? Let's take a look. A Brief Overview of the Past A deadly virus has infected the Minecraft world, causing some entities to die instantly (creepers, skeletons, and so on), while everyone else has turned into the undead... a zombie. Different types of Zombies have taken over the world of Minecraft, each with their own set of characteristics, such as speed, strength, or something else, and each with their own set of characteristics. However, if you come across a zombie, you should immediately flee! It is possible to come across survivors who are similar to you while wandering around getting attacked or attacking Zombies on your own terms.

Similarly to how Zombies will automatically attack NPCs, NPCs will automatically attack Zombies as well. If a non-player character (NPC) dies as a result of a Zombie attack, they will turn into Zombies. If you come across an NPC in a safe location, you may be able to trade with them. If you have the appropriate item, you may also be able to tame them and incorporate them into your team.

The Zombies are a type of zombie.

As soon as you kill a Zombie, it will transform into a dead Zombie, which will then lie on the ground and begin to decompose. There are three stages to decompilation. After the first stage, the Zombie will be lying on the floor, still as fresh as when it was killed. During this time, you can use a Carving Knife to remove some Rotten Flesh from the corpse, which will move the dead Zombie to the next stage of decomposition, which will take 20 seconds. After passing through the second stage, you will notice that the Zombie has begun to rot away. This stage will last 20 seconds and during this time, you can use your Carving Knife to rip away some more Rotten Flesh, which will allow the dead Zombie to progress to the final stage of Decomp.

In the final stage, you will notice that the Zombie has been reduced to skeletal remains. This stage will last for another 20 seconds before the Skeleton vanishes forever from the screen once more. It is possible to chop away at the Skeleton and collect some bones during this 20-second time span using a Cleaver. The Skeleton will vanish as a result of this action. The sun will have no effect on the corpse during the first two stages of decomposition; however, as the process progresses to the final stage, the sun will burn away the Skeleton.


You'll have access to all of the standard swords that Minecraft has to offer. However, new weapons will be added to the game on a regular basis.

A Sentry Gun will remain stationary wherever you place it and will keep an eye out for any Zombies that may come into contact with it. When you first place it, it will be empty; you will need to fill it with Sentry Gun Bullets before it will be operational and begin searching for threats. Each case of Bullets will last for 5 minutes before it will run out and will require re-stocking with more. 10 seconds before the Sentry Gun's ammunition is depleted, it will drop the Empty Bullet Case, allowing you to reload it.
