An Add-On for SpiderMan: Into the CraftingVerse

An Add-On for SpiderMan: Into the CraftingVerse

With this addon, you can add content related to the Spider-Man universe from comic books, movies, video games, and television series. You can obtain Spider-Man costumes, weapons, and tools, as well as Spider-Man superpowers. You can also interact with Spider-Man villains. ArathNido (Youtube) created an addon for his channel (Twitter) To make SpiderMan suits at home, you will need a sewing machine that will allow you to sew all of the suits from scratch. Using the suit factory, you will be able to create weapons as well as technological SpiderMan suits. There will be a variety of shield levels available; the suits created by the sewing machine will be weaker, whereas the tech suits will be stronger; some suits will have push resistance or special abilities, while others will not. The stealth suits will grant you abilities; for example, the green suit will grant you invisibility, but only when you are crouching, the blue suit will grant you water breath, and the red suit will grant you fire resistance. Web shooters are people who use the internet to shoot things (Balancing) If you want to use the web shooter, hold the item in your first hand and aim at a solid block before swinging. If you want to reload the web shooters' ammo, hold the cobweb chargers in your second hand and use the web shooters. If you want to interact with the web shooters, press the button to crouch down.

Web-based shooter (Shooting)

When you use it, you can fire web traps and reload it with web chargers at the same time. Web shooters are people who use the internet to shoot things (Venom Symbiote) If you want to get it, you must interact with the symbiote capsule, which can be done with any web shooter; the only difference is that it shoots faster and you will have an infinite web as a result.

Capsule containing a symbiote

Using this, you can obtain the black suits of Spiderman, of which there are currently only two available (Ultimate and Raimi). In order to obtain a black suit, you must place the symombion capsule on the ground and interact with either a suit or a mask of Spiderman in your possession. 660 points on the health scale Fire lightning bolts at the enemy in close proximity. 80 points on the health scale Cast spell balls at the player to defeat him. In a specified amount of time, summon drones, Mysterio clones, and SpiderMen Zombies. When the Spider-Men Zombies are in close proximity to the player, they blind and nauseate him. Drones fire at the player from above. It is possible to fly with Mysterio's clones, and they will throw spell balls at the player while keeping Mysterio invisible for a set period of time. The Green Goblin is a fictional character created by author Stephen King in the 1990s.

300 points on the health scale

Pumpkins with explosive properties are launched. Flying Area of Effect Damage: 14 When he dies, he will throw away his suit as well as his pumpkin bombs. Phone number for health: 800 8 points of damage Moves the target 0.425 meters and summons symbiote spikes that deal 25 damage to the target. When it dies, it will release the Venom symbiote capsule that it was carrying. Spidey's nemesis Venom (Spider-Man 3):

  • 300 points on the health scale
  • 14 people have been injured.
  • 0.25 of a second of movement When it dies, it will release the Venom symbiote capsule that it was carrying.

Dr. Octopus says:

  • 150 points on the health scale
  • 8 points of damage
  • 0.4 mm of movement
  • He will launch an attack with his arms, dealing 28 points of damage.
  • As soon as he passes away, his metallic arms will be removed.


  • 350 points on the health scale
  • 16 points of damage
  • He can teleport and fly at the same time


  • 125 points on the health scale
  • 12 points of damage
  • 0.25 of a second of movement
  • When it dies, it will scatter sand blocks.
  • It has no effect on the environment and will only appear in desert biomes.
  • 1500 people are ill.
  • Damage totaled 24
  • 0.5 meter of movement
  • He will attack by summoning spikes of sand to strike at the target.
  • When it dies, it will drop sand blocks and a nether star as a reward.
  • 600 points on the health scale
  • 12 points of damage
  • Movement: 0.425 millimeters
  • It will expel a symbiote capsule as soon as it dies.
  • If you give him the lizard antiserum, he will turn his back on you and Dr. Connor's office.

This vendor can be found all over the map of Minecraft. She offers a variety of goods for sale, such as magic items, pumpkin bombs, symbiote weapons, radioactive spider eggs, and pearls that can be used to summon SpiderMan villains. To summon a villain, you will need a pearl representing a specific character as well as the kadavas machine. You will interact with the kadavas machine by holding the pearl in your hand, and it will summon an enemy who will reward you with a large amount of experience and exclusive items. He will trade you for the radioactive spider lizard serum, XP bottles, and a nanotechnology chip, all of which are useful in the game.

Gwen Stacy

You are exchanged for diamonds, the radioactive spider, the Spider-Gwen suit, and the lizard antiserum, among other things. Mary Jane: I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about. He will trade you some XP suits in exchange for which you will need XP bottles as well as an Ultimate Spider-Man costume. Obtainable from the costume making machine, the metal legs can be used to climb walls without the use of SpiderMan's powers. They can also be used to attack in an area of enemies, removing 20 health. The legs must be placed in the chest armor slot to be used. Climb in the direction of PC (Windows 10) Climbing requires you to stick to a wall while holding down the jump button. The climbing game Climb for Android and iOS requires the player to repeatedly press the jump button in order to be able to climb walls.
